SMART Screening

SMART Screening

(SMART = Supportive Mental Health Awareness Resource Team)

SMART Screening provides mental wellness screening for students in their school environment. Students voluntarily answer questions about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Answers are confidential and only seen by SMART Screening staff.

Mental wellness screening allows for early identification of highly treatable mental health needs, including those that may be associated with increased suicide risk. If mental health needs are identified, results will be verbally shared with the student and their parent/legal guardian. SMART Screening staff will provide resources and offer support to find appropriate mental health services.

In 2022, we purchased license to use the Candid Screening tool from Samaritan’s Wellness Screen program.

Importance and impact:

Psychosocial (psychological and social) problems are relatively common. Such problems often go unnoticed by pediatricians, teachers and even parents and can lead to more serious problems in later life. Research shows that earlier detection and treatment can lead to better outcomes.

As such, professional organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend psychosocial screening as a part of the annual physical for all children and adolescents. -Massachusetts General Hospital, Psychiatry Department

I need help, and I want to feel happy again. I’m so grateful you’re here.

Additional Information:

SMART Screening uses the Pediatric Symptom Checklist- Youth PLUS to screen students in 6th-12thgrade*. This tool is based on a well-researched, valid, and reliable tool, the Pediatric Symptom Checklist. The PLUS portion of the tool includes questions related to non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, risk factors related to depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, as well as substance use from the CRAFFT.

The tool, as well as the SMART Screening process, is analyzed annually by the Child and Adolescent Research in Emotion (CARE) lab at Lawrence University.

SMART Screening is VOLUNTARY. If you do not want your student to participate in the program, complete the opt-out form. Please note, students can refuse participation at the time of the screen.

*Mental wellness screening is available for students K-5th grade using a separate tool and process.

I have four kids, and in our small town, we’ve lost at least one middle or high schooler every year for six years. You’re saving lives. Thank you.
Parent of SMARTSCREEN Participant

Contact Information

For any questions please contact: Joanne Klysen, Director of Community Based Counseling, at (920) 437-8256 ext.111, OR Seanah Clarquist, Mental Health Clinician/Case Manager, at (920) 606-2602.