
Category: Community

A small yellow toy van on a sandy beach

Summer Family Fun & Nurturing Mental Health Together!

August 20, 2024
Did you know August is recognized as Family Fun Month? As we reach the end of summer, it’s the perfect chance to prioritize mental health and well-being by having a little extra fun before school begins! At Foundations Health &
hand holding sand

[THERAPY THOUGHTS] Sand Tray Therapy for Mental Health!

February 15, 2024
Working with children and adolescents who have experienced immense trauma and grief, I quickly became cognizant of the need to find creative ways to reach clients who struggle to verbalize their deep-rooted and complex trauma. Knowing trauma is stored in
Lion Roaring


February 1, 2023
I want to talk a little bit about a big, scary word: ANGER. Would you believe me if I told you anger is a perfectly healthy emotion? As part of what makes us healthy and whole, anger plays a special