
Category: Wellness

sunlight reflecting through varied glasses onto a yellow wall

Alcohol Awareness Month: How Addiction Affects Loved Ones

April 29, 2022
Loving Someone Who’s Addicted When it comes to the topic of addiction, much focus is often placed upon the person who is actively struggling with their addiction (alcohol, other substances, gambling, etc.) or has in the past. However, the people

Therapy Outside the Box

February 22, 2022
A Passion for Innovative ADHD Treatment ADHD (or Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that’s infamous for being misdiagnosed, misconstrued in media, or missed as a diagnosis for children and adults alike. With ADHD’s classic symptoms of inattentiveness, forgetfulness, concentration

Keep Me in the Moment

July 21, 2020
There are times we all need a little inspiration. Fortunately, the world is full of opportunities to find encouragement in everyday activities – things as simple as enjoying nature, hearing a child laugh, or reading a quote that resonates with

On the front lines of the Covid-19 Mental Health Crisis

July 13, 2020
Foundations Health & Wholeness is on the front lines of the mental health needs in Brown County. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, children and adults are struggling with increased grief, isolation, anxiety, and substance abuse. “Our neighbors in

Simple Mindfulness Practices

June 10, 2020
Mindful practices shared by Foundations counselor, Kate Bellingar, MA, LPC, NCC As many of us can feel, the world is an unprecedented time of adjustment, stress, and uncertainty. You may already be doing some things to take care of yourself.

Essential Leaders Are Emerging During the Pandemic

May 11, 2020
One of the words we hear every day during this pandemic is “essential.” As an essential business under Wisconsin’s Safer at Home Order, Foundations Health & Wholeness continues to serve people through mental health counseling and foster care. The client

Updates on COVID-19

March 27, 2020
April 20- Wisconsin’s Safer At Home Order doesn’t mean that you are without emotional support. Foundations Health & Wholeness continues to live its mission by helping people heal mind and spirit. Our mental health therapists and counselors are open to

Foundations’ Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy

February 28, 2020
Foundations Health & Wholeness and Exceptional Equestrians are excited to announce a new partnership to support children and adults in equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP). This unique program has the ability to provide wholeness, connection, and peace for so many children and