
Category: Community

2022 Ethics in Action Honors Event Recipients

October 25, 2022
Foundations Health & Wholeness honors 3 Ethics in Action Recipients for all their amazing work in the community. See our latest press release below!   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BROWN COUNTY NONPROFIT FOUNDATIONS HEALTH & WHOLENESS HONORS THREE PEOPLE AT ETHICS
two men sitting outside and talking

“Man Up” & The Stigma About Men’s Mental Health

August 2, 2022
Trigger Warning: Suicide Fear in the Face of Therapy There’s a lot of stigma, secrecy, and reluctance cloaking the discussion of men’s mental health. As was traditionally passed down from the males before them, many men feel pressured to be
woman smelling flowers

The Other Side of Self-Care

May 31, 2022
“Instagram vs. Reality” When you scroll through your social media feeds, you’re very likely to see a post or two about self-care these days. In fact, it’s safe to say that self-care and giving yourself permission to prioritize a self-care
Person holding balloon and another person holding a needle

Couples Counseling: The Gottman Method

May 18, 2022
Love on the Rocks Is the sound of a door being slammed by your partner becoming too common in your home? Is the silence of your partner or the lack of compromise between you becoming disheartening? Problems within romantic partnerships
sunlight reflecting through varied glasses onto a yellow wall

Alcohol Awareness Month: How Addiction Affects Loved Ones

April 29, 2022
Loving Someone Who’s Addicted When it comes to the topic of addiction, much focus is often placed upon the person who is actively struggling with their addiction (alcohol, other substances, gambling, etc.) or has in the past. However, the people

Therapy Outside the Box

February 22, 2022
A Passion for Innovative ADHD Treatment ADHD (or Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that’s infamous for being misdiagnosed, misconstrued in media, or missed as a diagnosis for children and adults alike. With ADHD’s classic symptoms of inattentiveness, forgetfulness, concentration